Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)

Would you like to make choices that are in alignment with your heart and your values? Or is something holding you back from realizing your dreams?

Then maybe an Energetic healing session can be a contribution to you!

By releasing the blockages (emotional, mental and physical) that have got stuck in your body and energy field, you will experience peace, space and trust again. You will also be able to follow your heart again and to choose the things that make you happy. And finally take the steps that are required to live your soul purpose.

An Integrated Energy Therapy or IET Session can be a contribution to…

When you regularly suffer from:

  • Stress and fatigue
  • Lack of energy
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Uncertainty
  • Worry
  • Limiting thoughts & beliefs
  • The fear to stand up for who you are and to choose YOU!
Energetic healing
Follow your joy. Coaching & Training met Alexandra Hilbers

Thank you very much for the beautiful and special healing session! I feel more energetic and more balanced. Really special and beautiful!

Klaartje B.
Op eigen wijze. Coaching & Training met Alexandra Hilbers

After each session I felt immediate results: the tensions and emotions were released and my head, heart and stomach came to rest. 

Jeroen Snel
freedom, healing & living your soul purpose

Live a fulfulling life with more freedom, ease & joy

An energetic healing session makes it possible to reconnect with your heart and your desires. It clears the road and can give you the energy and confidence to live life on your own terms… and truly BE you.

Integrated Energy Therapy | IET
During the session I use Integrated Energy Therapy (IET). A powerful and very loving healing method, that can remove blockages which are caused by physical or emotional trauma, by limiting thoughts & beliefs or from previous lives. In that way the body no longer has to suppress all these emotions and the energy can flow freely again.

Step by step, with confidence and inner calm, you release what’s holding you back

Removing blockages that have arisen in all directions of time, space & energy
During an IET treatment, several layers are worked on at at the same time, so that profound healing can take place. This does not alter the fact that several sessions are often needed to fully get to your core.

Beware!! This form of energetic healing is very powerful and can have a lot of impact on your life. Not only on yourself, but also on your environment.

Energetic Healings can stand alone, but can also be combined with other coaching or healing methods. It can accelerate and intensify personal development processes.

Read more about the Integrated Energy Therapy method.

sparkle coach program

“Healing without feeling”

During an energetic healing / IET treatment, blockages and traumas are resolved, without having to experience them again. The processing mainly occurs after the session and during sleep. There are no side effects and the treatment is very relaxing.

Energetic healing sessions can result in:

  • more (inner) peace
  • more self-confidence & self-esteem
  • better connection with your heart & intuition
  • more energy & inspiration
  • more ease with making choices
  • more ease, joy & glory in your life

Practical Information

Distance IET Healing session or in person, in my practice in the Algarve or in Pijnacker

  • An Energetic healing session takes about 60-75 minutes and can be done in my practice in Algoz (Algarve) or in Pijnacker (The Netherlands). The cost is € 65,- .
  • Distance IET healings are also possible. During a remote session you can receive the healing energy treatment in nature or in a comfortable place at home. It’s your choice.

Book your Energetic Healing session

Do you want to book a session or do you have a question? Please, fill in the form bellow and I will contact you as soon as possible.

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