Just being me!

I am Alexandra Hilbers and I just love life! For me life is one big adventure. That’s why I enjoy every moment of it and choose to do the things that make me really happy. My passion is travelling… not only around the world, but I am also very passionate about my own journey. The road to more consciousness and truly being me, playing and exploring like a curious child.

As I am always open to new possibilities and adventures, I love to guide you on your journey. That can be in the role of an intuitive coach, energetic body worker, healer or Access Consciousness (Bars & Facelift) Facilitator. Experiencing the connection with yourself, your body and the earth again. Opening up for that inner guidance and living your life with more ease, joy & glory.

I like being and facilitating in nature, to read, write, paint or draw. I also love my husband Roger and the beautiful trips we take. To live, grow and create together, enjoying the beauty of life and all that life has to offer. Like good food, a cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc and the sun.

Are you ready to start living YOUR life and doing the things YOU love? To experience more ease, joy and peace in creating all you desire? I will be happy to guide you and show you what else is possible.

Would you like to know more about Alexandra Hilbers?

  • Listen to the podcast with Sandra Westein from Ferragudo Dreams. She organises Workations in the Algarve for entrepreneurs, that are longing for more joy, balance and focus in work & life. Sandra interviewed me for her weekly podcast, in which I tell more about myself, my company and my plans for the future (November 2022).
  • Or Watch the conversation I had with Anita Loos in the YOU are the GIFT series about asking questions, opening up for possibilities and acknowledging yourself as a gift (November 2020).
Alexandra Hilbers, coaching, healing
It’s my passion to create more consciousness, ease & joy on this beautiful planet

Inspiration for more freedom, inner peace & calm

Living life on your own terms

For me life is really about making conscious choices, experiencing freedom in everything I am and I do. But also about taking care of my health, the environment and nature. Can you imagine what a contribution we can be to the earth, when we start being ourselves and becoming aware of all the beauty, abundance and magic around us?

Does this resonate with you? Then maybe you would like to know more about working or creating with me, experiencing what it’s like to live in Portugal or about the Healy? Let’s get inspired!

terras Rosa Pequena


Come and enjoy the Portuguese life and stay for a couple of days at our quinta. To reconnect with (your) nature and to feel what it’s like to truly be you. Get a taste of the beautiful colors and flavours of the Algarve. While following your joy and enjoying every now moment very consciously.

I would love to connect, be space and contribute to you.

Op eigen wijze. Coaching & Training met Alexandra Hilbers


Are you curious about working with me in a private session, workshop or event? Let me know your ideas, I am always open to co-create.

I can also be a contribution to your retreats by giving relaxing Access Bars Sessions or Energetic Healings. So that the transformation the participants go through, is with greater ease & pleasure.



The future when it comes to healthy living with ease & joy. Be amazed at the capabilities of this small device for frequency therapy. It’s still my favourite and daily used tool.