Sparkle coaching session: become aware of what you truly desire
Now is the time to shine… to stand up for who you truly are. Don’t let anything and anyone stop you from YOUR path. Full of confidence, discovering step by step what is possible and where your energy will flow.
Do you dare to take the step and choose for yourself!
Fear & uncertainty
Deep down you know that things can be done differently, but you get stuck in your head. You use the limitations imposed by this reality as an excuse not to move. On the one hand your knowing and awareness becomes stronger and stronger. But on the other hand your concern, fear and uncertainty increases, because: what will happen if I choose ME?
What if you start to trust your knowing and discover what you are really capable of? You can then create the life you have always desired. Do what makes you happy and what you are here for on earth. Enjoying the NOW moment without judgement… ahhhh… how wonderful would that be?
Do you long for inner peace or …
- More inner peace
- Connection with your heart/intuition
- Being completely yourself in everything you do
- Consciously enjoying every moment
- More confidence and allowance
Conscious being instead of always doing
Come to feel and experience all of this during an exciting sparkle coaching session and step into a magical journey. Open yourself for your unlimited potential and discover how to co-create with the Universe. So you can BE more instead of DO and experience effortlessness in everything. Firmly anchored in your own power you will be able to follow your inner joy.
I experienced the session in nature as beautiful and inspiring. Nature symbolically showed me where I was standing in my process at that moment. The wind literally felt like a fresh breeze blowing the old things away.
Connect with your inner wisdom
A sparkle coaching session is an intuitive coaching session tailored to your desires in the NOW moment.
The focus is on connecting, feeling and experiencing and not on (infinite) talking. During the session I follow the energy and let you experience that everything you long for is already present in you. Together we raise the frequency of the energy, just because we can (and it’s a lot of fun). But also to actualize your desires in your physical reality, with more ease.
I invite you to come and enjoy this magical session!
Practical information
The sparkle coaching sessions take place in my practice in Algoz, Pijnacker or online via Zoom and take about 60 minutes. The cost is € 95,- or 3 sessions for € 239,-. You can also combine with Acces Bars sessions or Energetic Body work sessions.
Take control of your life again and sign up for a session now. Discover how big your dreams really are and how you can manifest them effortlessly.
Apply for your sparkle coaching session
via de form below. After sending the form I will contact you as soon as possible.